0021 Create a Distro Developer Manual

Create a distribution Developer Manual


This RFC proposes the migration of Arch Linux's operational distro specifications from existing ArchWiki and other sources to a dedicated GitLab developer manual repository. The intention is to document how to run the distribution while leveraging GitLab's collaboration features and streamlined workflows for maintaining and evolving the resulting specifications. This change aims to centralize and enhance the efficiency of specification management while preserving the integrity of the community-contributed content in the Wiki.

This request for comments is superseding RFC-0005 by extending its scope to handle all distro specifications coherently instead of handling a single sub section (packaging guidelines) differently to others.


The current state of Arch Linux's distro specifications, mostly housed within the ArchWiki and other dedicated sources (such as repository wikis), has led to a mixture of operational information and general Linux userspace content. By collecting the distro specifications in a dedicated Git repository maintaining the manual, we can centralize the resources in a single place and focus on the operational aspects of the distribution. This approach aligns with Arch Linux's transition to utilizing GitLab for various operational processes, including packaging, bylaws, RFCs and software projects. GitLab's advanced features such as merge request reviews, threaded discussions, and team collaboration would improve the maintenance and development of distro specifications.


The proposal involves creating a new Git repository dedicated to the Arch Linux developer manual. This repository will hold documentation similar in style to the Fedora Project's documentation pages and the GNOME Developer documentation pages.

Intended Content

The manual consists of a variety of topics, each specifically focused on the internal operational processes integral to the development of Arch Linux. This encompasses both, specific guidelines and workflows as well as purely informational content.

The initial version of the developer manual will focus on various topics, some of which currently exists in the Wiki, such as:

It's important to note that this list is not exhaustive but indicative of the kind of content the manual will include. The primary objective of this RFC is to agree on the creation and the overreaching purpose of the manual rather than detailing an exhaustive list of topics. Further topics that align with this intend can be added in the future as detailed in the contribution section of this document.


Contributions are categorized in three fundamental groups: trivial, moderate, and major changes, each defined by their scope and impact.

Trivial Changes

Trivial changes are minor, non-substantial changes such as corrections in style, typos, and wording. Trivial edits can be applied directly by assigned reviewers without the need for extensive discussions or announcement on arch-dev-public. The primary goal is to maintain the developer manual's quality while ensuring efficiency in the editing process.

To facilitate the initial creation of this manual, the transfer of pre-existing documentation (at the time of the RFC approval) into the manual shall be counted as a trivial change.

Moderate Changes

Moderate edits include improvements or changes that preserve the established context and overall agreed purpose of content in the manual such as packaging guidelines. An example of this would be adding new flags for reproducible builds or updating existing recommendations to reflect modern practices, while still adhering to the currently established status quo.

Parts that have not yet been specified on a distro level, such as packaging guidelines for a brand new language or tool not yet covered by the core packaging guidelines, can be submitted as moderate change.

All moderate edits MUST be announced on arch-dev-public following a process similar to that used for the RFC, to ensure maximum visibility and community input. The purpose of the announcement is to call for participation to discuss the proposed merge-request on GitLab.

Major changes

These are substantial changes that involve a significant shift in currently established guidelines, workflows or the overall intent of a section. Such changes MUST go through the formal RFC process. This ensures that major changes are thoroughly discussed, reviewed and agreed without bypassing the established RFC process with the developer manual.

If during the course of discussion a moderate change is determined to have a major impact or shift, it should then be reclassified as major change and follow the corresponding process as outlined.


The initial stage of the review process is overseen by a developer manual moderator, whose primary responsibility is to ensure that all discussions adhere to the formalized guidelines and styles of the manual. This role also accepts trivial changes after careful review and approval. Any member of the Arch Linux Staff is eligible to volunteer for this moderator role by proposing themselves on the arch-dev-public mailing list.

To further enhance the quality and relevance of the manual's content, it is essential to explicitly involve domain experts in the review process. Specific topics can have a designated group of experts in their respective fields, that will be auto assigned to issues and merge requests to oversee particular topics by default. For instance, Package Maintainers would be responsible for reviewing and contributing to the sections on packaging guidelines, while ISO and container maintainers would focus on the Release Engineering sections. This increases the visibility of each section and shares the responsibility of the content accuracy and relevance with those who have the most expertise in those areas. The granularity of auto assignment can be fine tuned; for instance, specific language packaging guidelines, such as Rust or Python, can have their own dedicated subgroups.

Any merge-request rejections MUST be accompanied by a comprehensive comment, offering a substantial rationale that forms the foundation for initiating subsequent discussions.


The documentation pages will be rendered for example using GitLab's pages pipeline, creating a dedicated subdomain for the manual, taking inspiration from the successful approach that Fedora has taken. This approach will ensure a clear separation between general Linux userspace content in the Wiki and distro-specific operational guidelines, like for example:

The manual MUST be written in a single and consistent flavor to ensure uniformity and coherence throughout the document.

The manual CAN be authored in Markdown, a recommended format in this proposal due to its seamless integration with GitLab and its compatibility with various tools for processing sources files.

The manual SHOULD establish a style guideline in its repository, covering topics like language register, spelling, and similar. The Wiki can provide inspiration of such a style guideline.


A suitable license that aligns with our principles of openness MUST be selected and clearly specified for the manual's content.

The manual SHOULD be distributed under CC BY-SA, unless an alternative agreement is in place.

If articles are directly taken from ArchWiki, permission must be obtained from the ArchWiki editorial team to re-license them under a license different from the GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later versions.


One potential drawback is the migration process itself, which may require careful planning and execution to ensure the integrity and accuracy of transferred content. Additionally, some contributors might need time to adapt to the new platform, but the benefits of GitLab's collaborative features are expected to outweigh any initial challenges.

Unresolved Questions


Alternatives Considered

  • Status Quo: Maintaining the distro specifications within the existing Wiki. However, this approach lacks a streamlined method to designate individual teams as code owners for specific sections of the operational specifications.
  • Alternative Platforms: Exploring alternative collaborative platforms other than GitLab for hosting the distro specifications. However, the advantages of such alternatives would likely be limited compared to GitLab, given that GitLab is already the primary collaboration platform for various other aspects of Arch Linux's operation.